Adult learning is close to, but not synonymous with, continuing vocational education and training. It is usually used: (i) to provide compensatory learning in basic skills, which individuals may not have acquired in their initial education (such as literacy, numeracy, etc.); (ii) to enable people (a) to access and attain qualifications not gained, for various reasons, in the initial education and training system, (b) to acquire, improve or update skills or competences in a specific field; this is continuing vocational education and training. At present the concept of adult learning is not well introduced and developed in the education and training reforms and the awareness about it is still low at all levels of governance as well as among population.
This project aims to contribute to this contextual challenge of Albania, by providing this set of activities: (i) the design and implementation of a Communication Strategy to promote EPALE in Albania and recruit users and contributors; (ii) contributions for updating the information about Lifelong Learning in Albania available at EPALE; (iii) animation strategies through social media and virtual communities to expand the Lifelong Learning community in the country, and to motivate adult learners, adult educators, the Albanian businesses and the society in general; (iv) the maintenance of the NAVETQ webpage on EPALE, cross linking it to other public and private institutions operating in the education and training field; and (v) support to multilingualism through the uploading of contents related to lifelong learning in Albanian language, exploiting the cultural and identity dimensions of adult learning activities.
The expert will perform the following tasks / outputs:
- Drafting the communication strategy and assisting in its implementation.
- Identification of the experts working in the field of the adult learning through an on-line registry of their data, publications, networks, etc.
- Updating of the information available on various sources related to Adult Learning providers and make it available on-line through the EPALE;
- Contribution with relevant inputs in preparing a media campaign on EPALE;
- Contribution in organising the Kick-off launching workshop for EPALE development project;
- Contribution in organising of Regional Coffee-meetings with relevant local stakeholders operating in adult learning field in four regions of Albania for promoting the EPALE and its expected activities and outputs in order to recruit, orient, motivate and encourage different users;
- Organisation of dedicated training actions to EPALE users focussed on the way to enrich the Platform with new and relevant contents.
- Support the organization of a session on EPALE activities at the Annual National Conference of the MoSWY, aiming at to analyse and discuss the benefits of participating in this development project as part of wider reforms in the country;
- Promotion of active participation and contribution of providers and individuals by encouraging discussions in the Platform in order to generate new emerging topics and networking opportunities;
- Elaboration of leaflets, brochures, and production of other promotional materials to be distributed in the different dissemination actions to be organised;
- Organisation of a Lifelong Learning Week, as per PARSH previous experience, including the observation of the “Adult learner day” in Tirana.
- Development of Albanian versions of European key-resources on adult learning and English versions of the most important Albanian ones
- Inception Report – A preliminary report, with a detailed work plan, methodological tools, potential list of stakeholders to work with. The inception report should be agreed upon with the representative of NAVETQ and present in details the working plan and expected outcomes.
- Communication Strategy drafted by April 30, 2017.
- The database of providers and experts up-to-date, by June 30, 2017.
- Submission of relevant information (contact details, programmes, events, news) and key-resources (publications, training materials, promotional materials). Minimum targets:
- 6 key-resources will be uploaded in the resource centre/month
- 2 events will be included in the calendar/month
- 3 news items will be published in the news corner/month
- 4 Regional Coffee-meetings organized and conducted in the main regions of the country – North (1), Centre (2), and South (1), for 25 participants each.
- 2 training actions for EPALE users registered at the Coffee-meetings and Launching workshop (max. 40 trainees identified as “multipliers”)
- Session organized and presentations on EPALE within the scope of the Annual National Conference to monitor the implementation of the National Strategy for Employment and Skills (November 2017; 100 expected participants).
- A Lifelong Learning Week in Tirana with the participation of at least 20 providers of adult learning activities is organised and observed within October 2017.
- Theoretical and practical familiarity with Adult learning in a developing country context.
- Ability to work under pressure.
- Meet tight deadlines without compromising on the quality of work, and being flexible.
- Strong interpersonal and cross-cultural communications skills.
- Excellent presentation skills.
- Effectively coordinate and advise.
- Highest standards of integrity, discretion and loyalty.
- Advanced University Degree in economics, labour economics, socio-economic studies, education or a closely related discipline.
- Have at least 5 years of proven relevant work/consultant experience particularly in relation to adult learning issues in Albania.
- Demonstrated leadership abilities and organizational capacity;
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills;
- Previous experience with EU programmes is desirable;
- Excellent analytical skills;
- Excellent communication and report-writing skills in English and Albanian.